On Stage

Theatre Of Food


Big Drop Brewing was founded in 2016 with the vision of revolutionising alcohol-free beer: to turn it from a distress purchase of dubious quality into a premium-level product which drinkers proactively choose to consume – not just for its health benefits but also for its taste.

Eight years later, we’re incredibly proud of our achievements: We have won more international beer awards than any other alcohol-free brewery and more “World’s Best” awards from the World Beer Awards than any other UK brewery—alcoholic or not.

Johnny Clayton is Big Drop’s Head Brewer, and he has been with us since Day One. He pioneered a brewing technique that means no alcohol needs to be removed from our beer, meaning our beer retains flavour and aroma that other alcohol-free beers lose in production. He is recognised as a leader in the field and is the driving force behind Big Drop’s continued innovation in the alcohol-free beer sector.