Conversations From a Long Marriage with Helen Atkinson Wood & Angus Deayton

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On Stage


CONVERSATIONS FROM A LONG MARRIAGE, BBC Radio 4’s long running, hit comedy series, written by JAN ETHERINGTON and starring Joanna Lumley & Roger Allam, features a long married couple still in love with life and each other.

Jan reveals. ‘I wrote CONVERSATIONS because I was furious at the way older women were portrayed in all forms of media – either in a care home or a coma; bitchy ex-wives/sour mothers in law, or ditsy grandmothers, patronised by everyone. Where were the smart, funny, yes, sexy women I knew? Curious, smart, probably working and maybe still married to that sexy hippie they met at Glastonbury 71? So I wrote a comedy about a couple who still loved each other and laughed together – and I’m absolutely delighted that two fabulous comedy actors – Helen Atkinson Wood and Angus Deayton – will be preforming excerpts at Latitude.’

‘You’ve been listening at my window, Jan’ -JOANNA LUMLEY