On Stage

District 3 - Sunrise Road Studio


Lavish Lounge Arena


Thursday (16:00 – 20:30) Friday – Sunday (10:00 – 19:00) A collaboration between show designer, art director and curator Ami Cadillac and composer, musician and soundscape artist Dom Jones, the Museum of Memory is continually building immersive sound installation featuring contributing artists such as Dom himself along with Don Letts (Big Audio Dynamite/Radio 6), Steven Mallinder (Cabaret Voltaire/Wrangler), Max Reinhart (BBCR3/Late Junction), artist Danny Pockets, artist & punk documenter Paul Burgess, curator and artist Louise Colbourne, composer, musician & artist Sarah Nicolls

(Upright Piano) , Harry K (Apollo 440, Pop will Eat Itself), Glen Matlock (Sex Pistols), King Richard Booth (self-proclaimed King of Hay and creator of the World’s first book town) and Emmy award winning, Brooklyn based artist Marlene Weisman amongst many others…The Museum of Memory endeavours to evoke and investigate in an exploration of what inspires and shapes us as humans, & breathes life into our work. A space for quiet contemplation, the recordings are woven in and out of a series of gently emotive conversational styled soundscapes composed by Dom. Staged inside a wooden structure, this is a great little discovery, step inside, make yourself comfortable and enjoy the experience – on your own or with others.