Public Service Broadcasting

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On Stage

Second Stage


It’s striking to reflect that Public Service Broadcasting, and their stirring archival narratives for cinematic rock, electronics and orchestra, have been with us since 2009. Led by instrumentalist-auteur J. Willgoose, Esq., these masters of conceptual pop historiography have depicted humankind scaling Everest and confronting Nazism on 2013’s Inform-Educate-Entertain, and launching into the cosmos on The Race For Space in 2015. 2017’s Every Valley then examined societal struggle via Britain’s coal industry, while 2021’s Bright Magic was a dizzying portrait of Euro-metropolis Berlin. 2023’s This New Noise, recorded live at the BBC Proms, was a love letter to the national broadcaster in its most elemental form. In each case, what was removed in time and specific in nature became vital and universal, as the human spirit was fathomed and saluted.