Dash Arts & UEA: DOES POLITICAL CULTURE HAVE A FUTURE? What to do and where to go after the Starmer victory?

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On Stage

The Bookshop


The American Republicans like to say that ‘politics is downstream from culture’. Join academic and journalist Prof. Alan Finlayson, and theatre director Josephine Burton for a conversation about how true that is, what might be flowing into our politics and how we might think about, respond to and act on the new government.


Come and visit us in The Faraway Forest all weekend long, or join us for our timed events happening below:


– THE COMMON LOT: Songs of Hope and Protest (3-5pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday – The Clearing)


– DASH ARTS: Speak Out! Workshop (11-1pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday – The Outpost)


– PROFESSOR ALAN FINLAYSON & JOSEPHINE BURTON: Does Political Culture Have a Future?

(Saturday afternoon – The Bookshop)