Your Packing Guide for Latitude 2024!

As the countdown to Latitude 2024 continues, first-timers may be wondering about what to pack for the weekend. As a rule of thumb, we recommend that you only bring what you’ll really need across the weekend, and pack what you can carry. The lighter you travel, the quicker you can unload and set up camp – the sooner you can enjoy the festival!

two people carrying luggage through the campsite

Not sure what the essentials are? We’ve compiled a handy guide to what to bring – and what NOT to bring!

What to bring…

  • Your festival ticket
  • Your travel ticket
  • Your ID
  • Your driving licence (with an up-to-date address in case it gets lost!)
  • Bank cards
  • Mobile phone and battery pack
  • Ear plugs
  • Reusable water bottle
  • A sturdy tent – you need to bring it back with you!
  • Sleeping mat/bag/duvet/pillow
  • Sturdy walking shoes or boots
  • Waterproof coat and trousers
  • Weather appropriate clothing – it gets chilly at night!
  • Toiletries inc. towel, soap
  • Any necessary medication
  • Toilet roll
  • Suncream and sun hat
  • Contraceptives
  • Glasses/contacts and solution
  • Torch/batteries/bulbs
  • Bin bags
  • Valuables marked with house name and postcode

What NOT to bring…

  • Anything you’re not prepared to take back with you!
  • Disposable vapes*
  • Gazebos**
  • Glass
  • Excess packaging
  • Non-biodegradable body glitter or confetti
  • Disposable wipes

Please note that you may be searched at the entrance for any items that may be used in an illegal or offensive manner, which will be confiscated and not returned.

The following items are prohibited:

  • Portable laser equipment or pens
  • Knives
  • Animals (except registered guide dogs)
  • Sound systems or drums
  • Generators
  • Sky lanterns, kites, fireworks or wax flares
  • Nitrous oxide (laughing gas)
  • Gas bottles  < 2.75kg


* Gazebos NOT allowed in the main arena, but ARE allowed in the campsite.
**Only refillable vapes are allowed.

four people carrying luggage through the campsite

The start of Latitude is in sight, and it’s never too soon to start preparing! We hope you found these tips useful, and we can’t wait for you to join us in the stunning grounds of Henham Park later this month.

Weekend and Day tickets to Latitude are still available, secure yours while you still can at the link below!